Thursday, July 31, 2008

WoAdWriMo Progress Report - day 31

Ok, so by the Australian calandar it is now the end of July. It's a good thing for me that I finished the first edit pass and the layout today then! The only thing left to do is make three more pre-gen characters, and then it's all finished. I'm going to cheat a little a say I'm using the US midnight for the end of the month, so that means I've still got until midday tomorrow (my time) to get those done. :-)

After that I plan on letting the adventure sit for a week or two (perhaps asking my players if they can read through it to spot any editing mistakes, unclear sections, etc). Then I'm going to re-edit the adventure myself, and release a 1.1 version (hopefully around the middle of August). That version will also have a few maps that I haven't had time to draw up.

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